Are You Leveraging The Bizzics Way to Sustain Momentum?


In business, as in nature, there are inviolable laws. In the same way, a body in motion will stay in motion, the inertia of a business depends on its leaders’ ability to keep external forces from hindering forward movement. Leaders can also make strategic moves in response to emerging forces. Like a jet pilot, a business leader uses physics to achieve velocity and direction. By understanding the fundamentals of The Bizzics Way, you can guide your company toward its destination.

Momentum is the primary “force” in Bizzics, the kinetic energy that propels your business forward. Bizzics also applies other physical constants to business to give leaders a new perspective into how businesses react to outside forces, follow certain trajectories, and even slow down or become disorganized over time if you don’t maintain the energy in the system.

Some of these laws border on common sense, but when you move out of the 101 courses and Bizzics becomes more complex, you might need a nudge in the right direction. This assessment will help gauge your understanding of Bizzics and prescribe some guidance for your next moves.

Are you ready to begin?


Complete the following sentences with the answers that most accurately reflect your current feelings. Approach all 10 questions honestly, and remember, there are no wrong answers.

"*" indicates required fields

Step 1 of 11

1. I know where the energy is coming from in my business.*